Where are you located?

I’m with Renova San Diego in Carmel Mt. Ranch:

12396 World Trade Drive
Suite 109
San Diego, CA 92128

Do you offer telehealth services?

I offer telehealth throughout California. My telehealth sessions are the same high-quality, soul-stirring, heart-felt, trajectory-changing, and laugh-filled sessions as the ones in person. Smile

Do you take insurance?
I take Aetna and Optum.
What if you don’t take my insurance?
You’ll need to pay out of pocket, and I’ll give you a superbill to give to your insurance company. They may refund part of the fee based on your insurance policy.
How do I pay?
You will have a credit card on file.
How long are the sessions?
Sessions are 50 minutes.
What is your cancellation policy?
Since I’ll hold a spot for you, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance, or I’ll need to charge the full fee. If there is an unavoidable emergency, please let me know.
How much paperwork do I have to fill out?
You must fill out a consent form, provide billing information, and complete assessment paperwork. Don’t worry; it’s not much.
Why should I choose you as my therapist?
I have over 35 years of experience working with folks like you. Also, I went through four years of therapy, so I know from both sides of the couch how effective therapy can be. In addition, I keep learning new modalities to ensure I’m as helpful as possible to my clients.
What if my partner won’t come with me?
If you seek couples counseling, it would be best if your partner attended; however, we can still do lots of relationship work with only you in attendance.
What if my teen refuses therapy?
I love working with teens. Get them in the door or on the computer, and I’ll do the rest. If that’s not an option, I can teach you ways of working with your teen without them attending.
Will you judge me if I share certain things?
Nope, this is the “no judgment zone.” We are all a work in progress. So, not only will I not judge you, but I will also not allow you to judge yourself harshly.
What if I lose control?
Rest assured, you are with me, and I’ve got you. I will assist you in processing whatever the issue is. I will stay with you longer if that is what is needed.
You use humor in sessions. How does that work?
Laughter is healing, feels good, and helps with the learning process. Plus, we get to laugh our heads off. I’m not above acting silly or breaking out in song (even though my mom says I can’t sing). I love my work.
What will you do if I say sometimes I think about death?
Thinking about death is not uncommon for severely depressed folks. I’ll assess your propensity for self-harm. If you’re not in imminent danger, I’ll talk you through it, and we’ll get to the other side together. If you are in immediate danger, I’ll have to take steps to keep you safe, which is paramount.
How long have you been in practice?
I’ve been doing this work for over 35 years.
What is your educational background?
I have a BA in Psychology from Langston University in Oklahoma and an MA and Psy.D. in Psychology from United States International University in San Diego, now called Alliant.
Are you available for public speaking?
Yes, I’m starting a national dialogue about mental healthcare. I’d love to speak at your next event. Please get in touch with me to schedule.
Are you familiar with adoption and IVF?
Yes, I adopted my teen son at birth, and two of my closest friends used IVF to conceive. I’m well-informed about both options and can help you process these issues.
Why did your mom tell you not to sing?

For some reason, she didn’t think I had a nice singing voice, but you can be the judge in session. You can also ask me about the anger management rap song I wrote when I was working with a group of teens. Smile